Body Life at Agape Christian Fellowship

Monday Nights at 6:00 p.m.
Our men's group gathers on Monday nights at 6:00 p.m. - everybody brings something to eat and enjoys great fellowship and discussion as we study the Word of God together and together grow in the grace of God. Deacon Dan Tardie is our group coordinator.
Contact Dan for more information at tardiedan84@gmail.com.
Saturday Mornings at 9:00 a.m.
We have a very active group of ladies from all over our area who gather on Saturday Mornings to study God's Word. The group is open to any lady who would like to attend and our current group includes ladies from a variety of age groups, so there is room for women of any age. The ladies are currently doing a dynamic study of the Book of Acts.
Our Ladies Group coordinators are Cathy Paquette (dcpdecember@yahoo.com)
and Lynn Cameron (lcamjz1961@gmail.com)​
Wednesday Evenings at 6:30 p.m.
A dynamic group of teens gathers on Wednesday evenings for fellowship and Bible study under the direction of Dylan and Hannah Bohan. There are always plenty of snacks on hand enhanced by lively discussions on matters that pertain to growing up as a Christian Teen. ​
Contact Dylan Bohan for more information at bohankid95@gmail.com
Thursday Evenings from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
For more than thirty years Agape Christian Fellowship has been faithfully ministering to homeless and low-income families. The centerpiece of our ministry is our weekly FOOD PANTRY which distributes free of charge basic food items (dry goods, meats, vegetables, and household necessities) to anyone who needs help with their household groceries.
Normally, we are able to assist upwards of 50 households each week with a variety of helpful food and household items. The ministry is managed by volunteers from our congregation.

This ministry is under the direction of Robyn Stires who manages all of our ordering and donations from the Vermont Food Bank and Local Grocers. You can contact Robyn for more information on Mercy Ministries at mrslunch.rs@gmail.com