About Agape Christian Fellowship

Agape Christian Fellowship is a non-denominational, neighborhood church with a heart big enough for the whole world. Those who call Agape home comprise a broad spectrum of the community. We are drawn together by a commond vision for the world and our unity is in the authority of the Word of God. In our fellowship we seek to fulfill three primary phases of the church’s ministry:
WORSHIP OF GOD - The Shorter Westminster Catechism declares that the chief end of man is to “glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” When we come together as a church community we come to Worship God - with all our hearts. We sing, we shout, we clap our hands, we make a joyful noise unto the Lord. We laugh, we cry, and without shame and without reservation we declare that our greatest purpose is to glorify God and make His Name known in the earth. Sometimes we jump up and down and shout and at other times we bow in humble contrition before our God; our worship is for Him and not for man.
WORD OF GOD - The Word of God is THE authority that rules Agape Christian Fellowship. Neither the Pastors, nor elders, nor boards, or cultural norms chart our course. Jesus is our Lord and His Word is our guide. We have Pastors, elders, deacons and a Board of Directors; all of whom bow before the Lordship of Jesus Christ and guide the church as directed by the word of God.
Our preaching is WORD centered and the goal of all of our preaching and teaching is the growth to maturity of every believer in Christ. While we may have great spiritual “experiences” in conjunction with our worship and preaching; spiritual experience is not our goal. The goal is to impart Biblical truth in such a way that every man, woman and child can understand Biblical truth and establish a pattern of life that is in harmony with the traditions of Apostolic doctrine, and so that each believer can walk in the blessings of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.
WELFARE OF THE CITY - Jeremiah 29:7 says, “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” To a people sent off into exile, God commanded to seek the welfare of whatever city they found themselves in. Agape has for over three decades been a church seeking the welfare of our community. We have been active in our local neighborhood, utilizing our building as a ad hoc community center for a transient neighborhood with many economic and social problems.
Click here to learn about our Core Values