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March 28 & 29

Do you want to learn how to make authentic disciples and see your church grow? We have invited Harvesters Ministries to present the Disciple Makers Course which they utilize all over the world to the body of Christ in the Brattleboro area - free of charge. We want to support all of our local churches to develop and grow in the ministry of growing fruit.
AGAPE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, in partnership with HARVESTERS MINISTRIES, is offering an amazing opportunity for our local churches to grow in effectiveness in bearing fruit for the Kingdom. The DISCIPLESHIP MAKERS COURSE is the result of Steven Loots, (Harvesters CEO) has packed over 20 years’ worth of experience into this practical seven-hour course. It covers foundational Biblical principles and presents practical strategies for evangelism and discipleship.
Use this form to register as an individual, a family, or church group. Your pre-registration will help us to know how many of the exciting and helpful free materials to have on hand for you or your group. PLEASE REGISTER AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE
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